Senthilkumar Gopal

Musings of a machine learning researcher, engineer and leader


The following are a list of conferences and talks spanning a variety of topics such as Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Identity, Security, Software engineering and even Team management.

  • Scaling embedding models to serve a billion queries - slides discusses about scaling vector embeddings generation, storage and nearest neighbor search at AI Dev world 2022 and ML Ops World 2022

  • Token based API Security in ten steps - slides discusses about the basic needs of a token infrastructure and what would it take to build one. This talk aims to help developers embrace security and identity as part of their tool chain and remove the skepticism around building their own API security at Index Conference, API World, Silicon Valley Code Camp and PRDC Deliver Conference in 2018 and 2019.

  • Our Agile pursuit of Happyness - slides discusses how eBay embraced Agile methodology and as part of this effort, how we formed a new team to manage Identity Infrastructure. This talk takes the audience through the journey of how a group of individuals got together and transformed to an efficient and highly productive group in 2018.

  • Resiliency using Hystrix - slides discusses about Hystrix, a library from Netflix which helps build resiliency in microservices for an internal audience in 2016.

  • BDD using Cucumber - slides discusses about the usage of BDD and Cucumber library for unit and integration testing as part of the software development process, its advantages and steps to incorporate them for an internal audience in 2016.

  • Introduction to Git and Github - slides discusses about how Git functions and using Github for development collaboration across multiple developers for an internal audience in 2013.